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Showing posts from July, 2019

which is still recovering from it

Know your "correspondents." Texting, e mailing, and video chatting on your phone doesn't only leave a trail on your phone; it leaves a trail on the phone or computer of the person you're corresponding with. This is how Tiger Woods' mistresses and Jesse James' dalliances end up exposing relationships those guys really would rather have kept secret. (Of course, the other tip for keeping your private life private is not to do things like cheating.). wholesale vibrators The Freestyle and ClubVibeI only own the Freestyle. I been told that, from other people who own it, it the highest quality of the three. It made of a nice, soft, smooth plastic while the other two are made of a cheaper plastic. From the tip of the O ring at the top of the handle to the bottoms of the tails this flogger is almost 31" long. The O ring is 1.5" long, followed by a 4" vinyl strap which has 4 silver rivets in it. The main portion of the handle is 4" long with a 1&qu